
Reksa Dana: Berinvestasi Sejak Dini

Masih dalam nuansa menabung, kalau di post sebelumnya aku lebih jelasin tentang menabung secara konvensional tapi tetap menyenangkan ( cek di sini ), kali ini aku bakal jelasin tentang cara menabung yang lebih "modern" atau kata lainnya adalah Investasi. Apa sih bedanya menabung biasa dengan menabung via investasi? Versi aku nih, menabung biasa itu lebih ke cara untuk menyimpan uang yang kita miliki agar nanti jumlah uang yang kita simpan semakin banyak. Sedangkan investasi adalah menabung untuk jangka panjang dengan probabilitas bahwa uang yang kita simpan akan mengalami peningkatan (dan ada risk untuk mengalami penurunan juga) seiring dengan berjalannya waktu. Kalau menabung konvensional kan jumlah uang yang kita simpan akan sama dengan jumlah uang yang kita peroleh nantinya, sedangkan investasi, jumlah uang yang nanti kita peroleh akan lebih besar daripada uang yang kita simpan ( terms & condition applied ya). Investasi banyak sekali jenisnya, seperti investasi em

“Green Money” Challenge (Cara Menabung yang Menyenangkan)

Apakah kalian termasuk dalam golongan orang-orang yang sebenernya pengen nabung tapi ngga tahan godaan? If yes, then we are on the same side :D Sudah rahasia umum bagi golongan ini bahwa nabung is such a hoax . Terkadang memang sedikit butuh dipaksa agar cita-cita mulia untuk bisa nabung itu bisa tercapai. Lol. Setelah melalui masa pencarian yang cukup panjang, tiba-tiba muncullah sebuah vlog di home Youtube aku. Vlog itu tentang The Power of 20ribu dari Ini Vindy (buat yang mau nonton nanti aku kasih linknya di bawah yha). Dari vlog itu lah aku dapet ide buat bikin “Green Money” Challenge ini. How does it work? Simak step by step di bawah ini. (Disclaimer: step-step di bawah ini bakal berurutan, jadi kalau kalian merasa belum lolos di tahap pertama, bakal susah buat lanjut ke tahap selanjutnya) Let’s Prepare the Requirement Kalo mau ngelakuin suatu hal pasti harus ada persiapannya dong. Same goes with this “Green Money” Challenge. So these are the requirements:

The Script - Nothing

(with some editing) Am I better off dead? Am I better off a quitter? They say I'm better off now Than I ever was with him As they take me to my local down the street I'm smiling but I'm dying trying not to drag my feet They say a few drinks will help me to forget him But after one too many I know that I'll never Only they can’t see where this is gonna end They all think I'm crazy but to me it's perfect sense And my mates are all there trying to calm me down 'Cause I'm shouting your name all over town I'm swearing if I go there now I can change his mind, turn it all around And I know that I'm drunk but I’ll say the words And he'll listen this time even though they’re slurred So I, dialed his number and confessed to him I'm still in love but all I heard Was nothing (nothing, nothing, nothing) So I stumble there, along the railings and the fences I know if we're face to face then she'll come to his senses Every drunk step I take


tonight, I'm kinda doubting what my passion is. it feels like I lost myself, I'm walking with no direction, I have no goal. what's so wrong with my life?


it's okay to fight with other before the day. some cheeks might be wet because of tears. but remember, this struggle wont result anything if we lose belief to our team. never take all the blame by yourself, yet never give all the blame to your friend. work together, believe each other, we are a team, we are a family. those fights and tears will be repaid tomorrow guys. godspeed on our big event! dear 14th batch of Materials and Metallurgical Enginering students :)
..... bukan untuknya                         bukan untuk siapa                 tapi untukku                                   karena aku ingin kamu Itu Saja. (Rangga's - aadc)

Gabut - Bedah Kamar - New Favorite Corner

Kinda regretting to go back to this lovely place too early. Really have nothing fun to do. Wake up, with no food and television, and nothing hmmm. Since I have done kost-walking (staying for awhile in my friends' kost, in Malang), I'm really encouraged to do some experiments with everything in my room. So I began this experiment on my first day here. I persuaded my kost-mate to accompany me going to Sakinah (ITS student's favorite minimarket) by foot. I just didn't know why I really wanted to go there by foot haha. Bunch of thanks for Indah  anyway for accompanying me :)) Well, this first experiment was supported by 3 useless boxes in my room. I was just gettin' bored seeing them naked *ups :p them, naked by using some kertas kado (wrapping paper) I bought from Sakinah, scissor, cellophane tape, and glue, I beautified them :D Before - After :)) And now I have a new favorite corner in my room :3 New Favorite Corner~ My boredom produce